Kite Land


About us

16 years when it all started with me, actually now they have more facility to use a real kite, the first time i tried it was with a resistant plastic kite made by me, from the ones used to cover electrical appliances, learning this sport for me was always a dream that at that time I saw far away, I remember that with that kite I made, I would enter the water and drag myself along the coast, and this is the funny part because when I was 16 years old I went to a kite school looking for a job and when they asked me if I had experience riding I said yes, since I had been practicing for a long time with my homemade kite, when I had my first client to work with I asked him if he wanted help with the kite which he said yes, once I took the kite from then on I don’t remember anything because the Kite knocked me down on the sand… when I was able to get up, the client took the kite and the only thing I could to do was help him with the table.

After this there was someone who offered to teach me properly, with all the necessary security.

I wanted to share a small part of my story of how I started in the Kite.

And now here we are implementing everything we learned more than 15 years ago, always focusing on having fun but above all in a safe way.